• MUMBAI KA FUNDA....While Traveling by the Mumbai local trains......

    Mumbai Ka Funda

    While Traveling by the Mumbai local trains.....ALWAYS REMEMBER....
    1) Never iron your shirt if you intend to travel during peak hours.
    The packed train shall do the needful.
    2) Thou shall buy a first class pass only if your company is paying
    for it.
    3) Else thou should be really rich with an annual income of at least
    Rs.10 lakhs traveling by first class. Otherwise is a public crime.
    4) Before getting off at a station always make sure to ask the person
    ahead of you, "Uterega Kya?" This way you shall not feel left out.
    5) If you happen to be one of those few gazillion, who travel by
    train during peak hours, on a regular basis, do not spend money on
    gymnasiums or health instructors. You will realize how effortlessly
    and in an innovative manner, one can practice yoga while traveling.
    6) If you have already started practicing this innovative yoga, see
    to it that it remains within the confinements of the train
    compartment. Try these steps anywhere else and you'll soon get
    yourself locked up in a mental asylum.
    7) Always push the person standing ahead of you. It is amusing when
    the person ahead of you does not use a single word against you.
    8) In case you happen to sweat or if your nose starts twitching, rub
     the desired body part on the clothes of the person standing closest
    to you. Your hands are goanna be of no use to you at that time.
    9) Make sure you are the tallest among those standing around you. It
    affects you less when others have to bear the smell of your armpits.
    10) Avoid traveling in slippers or sandals. It is an accepted fact
    that someone always climbs on to your foot.


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